(CZ) Orientácia mládeže na robotnícké povolania - problémy, perspektívy
(EN) Problems and tasks connected with guiding the youth to manual occupations
Autor / Author: Danek, J.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The author analyses the problems involved as a national task in the process of education and occupational guidance of the youth. On the basis of historical knowledge and present-day conditions he assumes that school is to be the main factor in the process of occupational guidance and guidance to manual occupations. Its educational task is to be performed in cooperation with the family, the industrial establishment and social organizations. In educational work aimed at the choice of occupations educational institutions are to concetrate on:
1) developing the children’s attitude to work and the Socialist homeland as a moral value;
2) showing the role of the working class, which consolidates its position in the Socialist society by its work and way of life;
3) acquainting pupils with work and the working class not only theoretically but also practically through excursions, talks and independent work activities of their own;
4) supplying pupils with expert and objective information about individual occupations and career possibilities in life ad work.
The effectiveness of the guidance of the youth to manual occupations is conditioned by the content of work education at the elementary school by means of the subjects taught and other educational activities in school as well as out of school. An important role in the process of guidance to manual occupations is played by the integration of work, ideological and moral education.
As a result of analysing the factors of education and the results of the research on the problems involved in the choice of manual occupations, the author suggests some recommendations proceeding from the principle of the unity of educational requirements and educational influences. His suggestions for the development of the process of occupational guidance and guidance to manual occupations include:
1) detailed elaboration of professiograms of manual occupations and a suitable way of making them comprehensible to pupils;
2) search for more efficient methods of approaching the pupils from the aspect of their working, physical and mental aptitudes;
3) systematic and long-term cooperation with the family:
4) the tasks and requirements of social practice to be the starting point in the process of occupational guidance;
5) occupational guidance to be used for acquainting pupils with production industries of the region;
6) suitable realization of the tasks of occupational guidance in all the subjects taught while respecting the educational consultant’s instructions;
7) objective guidance of pupils to the choice of occupations on the basis of what is known about the pupil’s personality, interests and targets in application to practical life.
A systematic and long-term approach to the problems of occupational guidance and its subdivision — guidance to manual occupations — conditions the work orientation of young people and their future attitudes to occupations, work and social values.
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