(CZ) Pedagogické názory N. I. Pirogova
(EN) Pedagogical Views of N. I. Pirogov
Autor / Author: Pšenák, J.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The author wrote this article on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of death of Pirogov, a prominent Russian educationist of the 19th century. The sources he proceeded from were Pirogov’s works, Soviet and our literature. First of all he informs us about Pirogov’s life and work and goes on to analyse his pedagogical views (the goal of education, the relation of general and vocational education, the school system, methods of education, questions of discipline, didactic views, views about teachers and higher education). He regards Pirogov as the founder of higher education pedagogy. He refers to the limitations and contradictions of his pedagogical views and underfines his merits as to the development of school and pedagogy. He regards N. I. Pirogov’s pedagogical work as a valuable contribution to the Russian pedagogical theory and practice in the 19th century.
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