(CZ) Vlastenecká výchovná činnost na jičínském gymnáziu v 1. pol. 19. století
(EN) Patriotic Educational Activities at the Jičín Grammar School in the First Half of the 19th Century
Autor / Author: Rýdl, K.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The article deals with the activities of schoolmasters and some pupils in the field of adult education the national revival. In the first half of the 19th century, a team of the Jičín Grammar School teachers and pupils was gradually formed, the most prominent of whom were the following: František Šír, Karel Simeon Macháček, Josef Chmela, Antonin Fähnrich (teachers) and František Cyril Kampelík, František Ladislav Rieger and Jan Nepomuk Lhota (students).
The teachers’ work covered every possible form of the patriotic and national movement: arousing love for the Czech language, disseminating knowledge about the native country’s history, participating in amateur theatricals, or holding various cultural and other parties at which patriotic poems were recited. Their activities culminated in the teachers’ and students’ participation in the events of the Revolutionary Year 1848 when they took part in the activities of the Jičín National Guard and of a branch of the Slavic Linden.
In their pedagogical work, the teachers concentrated on educating people in such a way that they would demonstrate their love of the native language by active work and would be able to work consciously and actively for the goal of raising the cultural level of the Czech nation.
Even though the Jičín group of the national revival movement remained rather misuderstood in their own town, its work and the contacts of its members with the prominent representatives of the Czech national revival (Josef Jungmann, Antonin Marek, or František Ladislav Čelakovský) were not in vain, on the contrary, they made a significant contributions to the national revival in the region of the Krkonoše (Giant Mountains) foothills.
Such a team of patriotic Grammar School teachers actively working for the national revival movement in Jičín, is a unique phenomenon in the Bohemia of the first half of the 19th century.
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