(CZ) Třídní pojetí kolektivismu a rozvoj schopností jednotlivce
(EN) Class Conception of Collectivism and the Individual's Development of Abilities
Autor / Author: Korselt, F.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The socialization of production which results in an increasing inter-dependence of the individual spheres of man’s activities makes high demands on the co-ordination of the social division of labour in its widths. This co-ordination, which is qualitatively determined by socialist production relations; is characterized by preferring the interests of society as a whole to sectional interests. The social phenomenon in question is collectivism representing the principle of moulding the structure of relations in a socialist society, which has its historical and class roots in the economic existence of the working class.
The pace of workers in the social division of abour is in harmony with the process of socializing production. Workers are relatively most dependent on one another, and also on the functioning of the whole society. The revolutionary mission of the working class under socialism materializes from the position of workers in the social division of labour, in keeping with the rising general cultural level of the modem socialist worker. The worker is the bearer of collectivism, because, in his own interest, he is objectively compelled to act in the interests of society. That was A. S. Makarenko’s starting point in forming representatives of a conscious socialist working class who effectively struggle against individualism. Therefore we draw on his experience. In an environment where collectivism exists as the guiding principle in forming human inter-relations the capabilities of each individual can be developed to the highest degree. What comes to the fore is the role of the leading personality — the educationist — who bears the responsibility for his decisions, carried out in cooperation with the whole collective. It is responsible work and has marked creative features. In order to make such work as successful as possible, there exist efficient means of work with the collective, some of which are discussed in this article.
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