(CZ) Hlavní rysy komunistické výchovy na vysokých školách z hlediska vývoje vědecké práce v období rozvíjející se vědeckotechnické revoluce
(EN) The Main Features of Communist Education at Higher Education Institutions
Autor / Author: Frýbortová, M.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
Universities and other institutions of higher education in our republic are significant institutions which besides their function of educating the young Socialist intelligentsia also play an important part in solving the tasks set by the State Plan of Scientific and Technological Development. The higher education institutions’ scientific and research work is an important contribution to the national economy and social practice. The level of development of this work has a marked impact on the quality of instruction and education of our future experts. An important role for the further development of Socialist society is played by scientific knowledge and the system of its acquisition, i. e. the education of man for the creation of scientific knowledge and its full utilization.
With regard to the ambitious tasks facing the higher education institutions in implementing the actual programme fot the further development of the Czechoslovak Education System the author has raised the question of what are all the things that a higher education institution is expected to teach its graduates as seen from the viewpoint of their further work in our society and possibly for the further development of the Scientific and Technological Revolution.
She points out that in the field of higher education it is necessary to include the features of Communist education from the aspect of the development of scientific work in the graduate’s profile. The scientific training of undergraduates must be permeated with the teachings of Marxism-Leninism, the theoretical training must be sufficiently deep and broad. The demands on higher education institutions resulting from the demands of the Scientific and Technological Revolution are given firsdy by the theoretical view and secondly with regard to the comprehensive conception of subjects or scientific disciplines corresponding to these subjects.
Higher education institutions occupy a specific position in the system of scientific and research workplaces because in unity with the educational process they also develop scientific and research work of their own.
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