(CZ) Literární výchova v západním Německu
(EN) Literary Education in Western Germany
Autor / Author: Pech, V.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
Literary education plays a very important part in giving the West German youth ideological training in a militarist and revenge-seeking spirit. It is true that the syllabuses of the German language as a subject are worded in very general terms, but the proclaim ed free selection of reading material by the teacher is in practice very limited by detailed instructions and lists of reading material aimed at fostering revanchism and militarism. Revenge-seeking educationists have been stressing for several years that German is the key subject for the realization of the principle of Ostkunde (doctrine about the German East). This requirement is being met to an ever greater extent by the content of readers and literary works recommended for reading, as well as by a considerable part of literature for children and the youth. The author proves this by quoting concrete typical examples from ample documentary material. Hate 1st being fostered for »the neighbour In the East« In the reader of 1960 for the highest form of Bavarian secondary schools goes as far as glorifying the A-bomb. Handbooks of literature appraise authors on the whole from a reactionary point of view, progressive contemporary German and world literature Is being comptetely Ignored. For the so-called »exemplary teaching« even such works are recommended as the collection of stories called »Der Galgen im Weinberg« (the Gallows in the Vineyard) by the well-known revenge-seeker Josef MOhlberger, whose title story insults the Czech nation by describing the Prague Uprising of 1945 as a manifestation o f callous brutality against the Innocent occupation forces. In conclusion the author shows how literary education In the German Democratic Republic takes quite the opposite line, fulfilling besides Its aesthetic tasks, also the task of leading to peace and friendship among nations.
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