(CZ) O metodice výzkumu otázek mravní výchovy
(EN) On the Methodics of the Research in the Question of Moral Education
Autor / Author: Vysotinová, L. A.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
In her article, the author tried to indicate some problems of the research in tlie sphere of moral education. She bases upon her experiences of her own research done for some years (»Education of Younger Pupils to the Love for Work«). She deals with following questions of the methodics of the research : 1. Determination of the starting points for a definition of the program me of the research and of the criteria for valuating the results of it. 2. Determination of the tasks and questions of the research. 3. Choice of the methods of research and procedures. 4. Ways of how to note facts, analysis and generalization of the results.
The author stresses that a success of the research depends, above all, on the correctness, clearness and preciseness of the starting theoretical points and on the faculty of basing upon them when determining the tasks, contents and results of the research, when analysing and generalizing the ascertained facts.
When determining the prograimme of the research, chosing the methods and when analysing the results it is necessary to start from the fact that the development of all the moral abilities of pupils* personality is connected and mutually conditioned.
When researching the question of moral education the repeating: cycles of the research are necessary, according to one and the same programme but with various class collectives of children and various pedagogues. The research of the process of moral education is therefore a task for a longer tim e ; in a short time it is not possible to achieve objective conclusions. A laboratory experim ent cannot be considered at all.
The research is to be organized so that, when solving any partial problem in the sphere of moral education, the research w orker should deeply and universally have to know all the system of educational work and the living conditions of children, to know the whole system of their intercourses, work and behaviour. It is necessary for it to be in con tact with them, work and live with them, to be their elder com rade and
not a mere researcher. '
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