(CZ) K nové soustavě vzdělání učitelů
(EN) The New Teachers' Training System
Autor / Author: Nešporová, M., Papež, J., Zeman, M.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The resolution of tlie Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia on »a Closer Connection of School with Life and Further Development of Education and Instruction irt Czechoslovakia« which solves a basic reform of our educational system both as regards its content and organization, also solves the reform of teachers’ training.
In the preparation of teachers for all grades, the politico-ideological level of the pedagogical preparation shall be raised. A basic qualitative change in the curriculum of all teachers’ training schools shall be the connection of Instruction with productive labour.
Nursery school teachers shall be trained at special four-year pedagogical schools, the First Cycle (I. e. 1st—9th year) teachers shall be educated at a special newly establlsed type of schools, viz. Pedagogical Institutes with a three or four-year course of study, where students may enrol after finishing the Twelve-Year School, whereas teachers at the schools of the Second Cycle (I. e. those schools which follow the compulsory nine-year school attendance) shall be educated at the institues of higher education (university level) with a five-year course of study. Connection of school with life at all the schools training teachers shall be realized on the one hand by connecting instruction with productive labour, on the other hand by extending and deepening pedagogical practice and preparation for public cultural and educational work. Participation in work in production has, above all, educational significance. A number of various forms of extension courses will be centrally directed by a newly established special Institute. Finally, post-graduate study of qualified teachers shall be substantially deepened, using the most varied forms.
The training of a socialist teacher is one of the pre-requisites of a successful completion of our cultural revolution.
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