(CZ) Nové pojetí vzdělávání pracujících
(EN) A New Conception of Workers Education
Autor / Author: Soukup, Z.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The reform of working people’s education Is part of the reform of all our people’s educational system. It is brought about by the economic and cultural tasks outlined by the Xlth Congress of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. The education of working people must correspond not only to the present'needs, but also to the needs of our future life under socialism and in the period of building communism.
According to the new principles a uniform and centrally directed system of working people’s education will be set up by merging the system of works courses with the extension courses taken by working people at state schools. The uniformity will be ensured by the Ministry of Education and Culture, which will co-ordinate and give fundamental methodical guidance to all the main forms of working people’s education.
The highest forms of works e^ducation — works technical schools and the system of long-term courses at Works-Labour Schools will, under certain conditions, be put on an equal footing with state vocational schools and the qualifications attained there will be given general recognition. The standard of education at works technical schools and Works Labour Schools will be raised by a firmer guidance and more consistent control of higher organs as well as by the fact that the Ministry of Education and Culture will provide methodical assistance.
Individual forms of working people’s education will be extended so as to better suit the needs and the possibilities of every worker. It will be possible to pass from one form of education to another; previous study and previously attained qualifications will be recognised when a worker passes to a new form of study. In this way workers will be encouraged to attain gradually the highest possible education.
The study of working people must play a significant role in their obtaining complete secondary education; an important road leading to this end will be, besides the existing forms, the newly etabllshed general educational schools for working people. The supplementing of general basic as weil as complete secondary education, especially with older vyorkers, will be done on the principle that they should supplement their general education simultaneously with raising their technical qualification or during theirs preparation for eventual higher studies. The study at general educational schools for working people will be extended to include some technical subjects so as to contribute to the technical growth of the workers.
At the universities, besides having the possibility of obtaining complete university education, the working people will have the possibility of university education limited to their own particular trade, so that they will be able to deepen the technical knowledge of their trade on the university level. Far more facilities will be provided by the universities to^enable working people to attend university extension courses and do post-graduate work without interrupting employment.
The changes which will be made in the content of the study and in the methods of work also a part of the reform of working people’s education.
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