(CZ) Ateistická a mravní výchovy - součást výchovy k vědeckému světovému názoru
(EN) Atheistic and Moral Education - Part of the Scientific Education at Our School
Autor / Author: Frendlovský, F.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The article deals with the reasons why atheistic and moral education in a People’s Democratic School is lagging behind, and shows that the primary cause of this fact is insufficiently developed scientific world outlook in the teachers* consciousness and in their practice.
After the explanation of the class character of every world outlook, the gnoseological and social roots of religion are explained as world-outlook theories of the exploiting classes, who idealize reality and thereby hinder the class struggle of the working people. On the other hand, the world outlook of the working class is a scientific world outlook — dialectical and historical materialism, generalizing the social-productive practice of mankind, and leading to the victory of a classless communist society. The education at a People’s Democratic School is based on a scientific and therefore also atheistic basis. The article shpws that not all our teachers have so far arrived at an all-round and consistent solution of the problem involving the substance of science and religion and their mutual relationship.
After clearing up this question the author handles the problems of scientific atheism and its methods as they result from Marxist-Leninist science. He concludes with the basic principles and methods of atheistic education at school: Educational instruction based on science and ideology, atheistic education in relation to the didactic principle of suitability, fight against objectivism and agnosticism at school, socialist humanism as the basis of the teacher’s attitude to pupil during atheistic and moral education.
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