(CZ) Pedagogické názory Františka Krejčího
(EN) Pedagogical Views of František Krejčí
Autor / Author: Váňa, J.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
Krejčí’s views on fundamental educational problems were closely connected with his thought on problems of philosophy, psychology and social life and with his own personality.
He started from the philosophy of positivism, but he form ed a positivistic system of his own which in many respects fundam entally departed from those of other positivists, both alien and national. He was foreign to unprejudiced objectivism, he fought for a general recognition of science which he regarded as the only way leading to the knowledge of truth, to the ascertainment of objective laws governing all natural and social events. He was, howerer, lacking of metodological basis of marxistic dialectics, he did not grasp the core of historical materialism and slipped down into naturalism which he was wrong to reproach to marxism. Irrationalism of all sorts which he excluded fro m science was excluded by him also from education. This was his positive contribution to pedagogics despite the fact that he did not consider education as a social phenomenon and was thus unable to give the science of education a solid foundation.
Krejčí understood the development of society in so far that he regarded socialism as an immediately approaching lawful epoch, but he did not grasp the necessity of its revolutionary transformation. He correctly realized that an actual school reform must begin with the creation of a unitary school, with the upbuilding of a democratic school system enabling every member of the society to have access to the highest degrees of general and technical education. He connected the school reform with the requirement of securing full higher school formation to teachers of all school degrees.
Krejčí exerted a deep influence on our teachers and steered the course of our pedagogical thought in an undoubtedly progressive direction. He was not evinced by his opponents who tried to »overcome« him by means of all-saving idealism. His positivism could be and was overcome only by marxism-leninism for the victory of which Krejčí’s fought for a scientific world conception prepared the ground in our country.
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