(CZ) Úkoly jednotné školy všeobecně vzdělávací a její poslání v období budování socialismu
(EN) Úkoly jednotné školy všeobecně vzdělávací a její poslání v období budování socialismu
Autor / Author: Chlup, O.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia
points out the main characteristic feature of the general educational school as a school compulsory
for all children up to the age of fourteen. By criticising the bourgeois, selective,
class school, the author points out the great changes in school education that have taken
place under the People’s Democratic regime. The resolution of our Party appeals to our
teachers to strive fór intensifying and increasing the quality of teaching and also calls
upon the representatives of pedagogical science to help the teachers in their educational
and instructional work by their scientific research, thus fulfilling the requirement to
link theory with practice. It appears that to achieve this, it will be necessary for pedagogics to abandon its prevailingly normative character and develop educational research work in schools and enrich the knowledge about education under new social conditions, Our socialist school is an important constituent in the struggle for the new social order, it basically changes the subject-matter of its curriculum in accordance with the new ideological purpose. Its task is to look after an all-round education of our youth, their all-round mental and physical development, the change of character, and the permeation of the whole educational subject-matter by the Communist world outlook. The resolution of our Party, providing for the elimination of shortcomings in the pupils’ knowledge, especially in languages and mathematics, sets sciences the task of co-operating in working out the basic teaching material, new teaching plans, syllabi, and textbooks.
For this purpose the Ministry of Education has established schools for educational research work. The author deals with the historical development of the concept of »basic teaching material« and shows how the men of genius in the field of education, J. A. Comenius and V. I. Lenin, looked upon the scientific contents and subject-matter of the school curriculum. The author further points out the difference in concepts: minimum teaching material and the reduction of teaching material must be dlfferentiated from the concept of basic teaching material because the latter is to present not mechanically reduced knowledge but scientifically systemized and essential knowledge according to the principle of the Great Didactic: »Nihil nisi fundamentalibus memoriae intigere.« In this way it will be possible to solve the problem of making the pupils permanently master the subjects they learn. Hence the following task results from these requirements for the coming years- scientific elaboration of the basic teaching maerial so that new syllabi and new textbooks can be written and tried out in the next Five Year Plan.
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