(CZ) K podstatě polytechnického vyučování
(EN) K podstatě polytechnického vyučování
Autor / Author: Trajer, J.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The constant development of productive powers and the productivity of labour in socialism asks for all workers to be universally educated and cultural people. The universal development of all physical and mental abilities of young people can be secured by a training with all its firmly connected aspects. Among them the polytechnical education Is of extreme importance.
K. Marx and F. Engels proved on the iDasis of an analysis of the industrial production that the new form of education would secure for the workers such a knowledge that they would be able to look over the whole system of production and could accommodate to the constant changes in the technology and technique of the production. K. Marx therefore proposes to introduce, in a new society, »technical training« into schools where pupils could get acquainted with the principles oi production and learn the most necessary skill and habits.
V. I. Lenin once again stressed the importance of polytechnical training for the universal development of the youth, he pointed out where the principles of polytechnical training lie which have to be linked with a thorough mastering of the principles of the sciences.
The Xth Congress of the Communist Party ot Czechoslovakia and the meeting of its Central Committe give reasons for the importance of polytechnical training for the universal development of the youth and its preparation for life.
The Twentieth Congress of the Communist Party of Soviet Union requires a speedy realization of the polytechnical education in the schools. It demands to strengthen the relations between school and life, to acquaint the pupils with the principles of production and to introduce them into labour in the factories, on state and collective farms, in experimental gardens and school-laboratories.
Polytechnical training on secondary schools introduces to the pupils in the course of the teaching of the principles of sciences the practical use of scientific rules in the Industrial and agricultural production, shows them theoretically and practically the scientific principles of the main branches of socialist production, develops in the pupils abilities and habits for the handling of most simple tools of all branches of the production, it develops the technical thinking of pupils and creates conditions for mastering the progressive technics.
The polytechnical teaching in schools is realized during the whole educational process in various forms.
The basis on which polytechnical training develops is general education. Professional training is closely linked with the general and polytechnical education. A special place is taken by the education for labour which alongside the elements of general, polytechnical and professional education has its special contents.
The universal development of the youth is besides the steady development of all parts of the education also stipulated by right relations of the general, polytechnical and professional education.
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