(CZ) Súčasný stav a perspektívy rozvoja dejín pedagogiky na Slovensku
(EN) The Current State and Perspectives of the Development of History of Pedagogy in Slovakia
Autor / Author: Mátej, J.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The author gives a survey of the work done in the field of the history of pedagogy in Slovakia in the last four years, i. e. from 1969 to 1972. The survey is about: 1. people working in the field of the history of pedagogy, 2. books and yearbooks dealing with the history of pedagogy, 3. articles devoted to this subject in the periodical »Jednotná škola« (Comprehensive School) and in the yearbooks published by the departments of pedagogy, 4. theses submitted by undergraduates, graduates and candidates for professorship on the subject of history of pedagogy, 5. new works on the history of pedagogy ready for publication, 6. themes of papers dealing with history of pedagogy, which are being prepared and 7. perspectives for the development of the history of pedagogy in Slovakia. The author concludes his article by stating that in the last four years socially useful work has been done in Slovakia in the field of the history of pedagogy. History of pedagogy in Slovakia has acquired a permanent place in the system of pedagogical sciences.
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