(CZ) Speciální didaktiky jako realizační složky pedagogických výzkumů
(EN) Special Didactics as Realization Elements of Pedagogical Research
Autor / Author: Pachmann, E.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
In the planned pedagogical research there are some disproportions between theory and practice, between the generally and specifically conceived tasks, between the required conceptions of education and the possibilities of their realization. The significance of special didactics is being stressed, their concretizing and realizing function and a system of mutual links is submitted, between the tasks of conceptional and realizational charakter, as well as some organizational measures. Newly formed scientific disciplines: special didactics as the expression of the needs of the socialist society in its developing phase of the scientificotechnical revolution can greatly contribute to the purpose, rationality and economy of the planned basic and applied research.
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