(CZ) Intenzívní vyučovací text
(EN) Intensive Teaching Text
Autor / Author: Janák, V.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The article deals with the methodology of writing a special kind of programmed text called intensive teaching text. Intensive teaching text (or briefly »intensive text) is supposed to provide complete pieces of information (in the so-called explanation sections) and systematically to present assignments (in the so- -called assignment sections) so as to enable the pupil systematically to master the subject-matter to be learnt, to verify the quality of the knowledge acquired, to fill any possible gaps in the logical mastery of the items of knowledge to be acquired and, last but not least, systematically to learn to use the hew knowledge in practice (if it is feasible in the framework of the text). Intensive text is defined by what it is required to achieve (1) Explanation sections and assignment sections should alternate regularly in the text, (2) the text should be linear, (3) each of its explanation sections should cover -a closed theme, (4) the explanation in these sections should be didactically consistent, (5) the pupil should be informed by comments on how he has been working with the text, (6) the assignment section should cover all the substantial items from the explanation section, (7) assignments should form blocks and systems, (8) assignments should be analysed into sub-assignments, (9) principles of logic and didactic should be applied when creating assignment blocks and systems, (10) the assignment section should be created by stages. In conclusion a requirement is defined for the structure of the subject matter to be compatible with the ways in which it is presented to the learner. This point is mentioned as important in formulating the principles of the intensive text.
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