(CZ) Využívání informací v československém pedagogickém výzkumu
(EN) The Use of Information in the Czechoslovak Pedagogical Research
Autor / Author: Průcha, J.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
An analysis of the use of information in the Czechoslovak pedagogical research has been carried out with the following aims: a) to find out the basic factual data on the use of information in the pedagogical research, b) to verify some methods used in the analysis of the use of information, which could be applied in investigating the information system in pedagogy, c) to indicate some links between the analyses of the information system and the prognoses of the development of pedagogical science. Serving as materials for the analysis were 3252 information sources quoted in 174 papers published in the journal »Pedagogika« in the years 1970—1974. Before the actual analysis of information sources an analysis was made of the publications produced by the main branches of Czechoslovak pedagogical research. The analysis has resulted in conclusions of two kinds: on the one hand, to serve the practice of information activities in pedagogy, and on the other hand, to serve the planning of the development of pedagogical science. It has been demonstrated that between the- analysis of information systems and the prognoses of the development of a certain field there is a close inter-dependence, the investigation of which can be useful. For the time being, our analysis has brought some of the first bits of knowledge in this field; by extending the appropriate data further sources would be provided for exact prognoses of the development of pedagogy.
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