(CZ) K některým výsledkům šetření o podmínkách ZDŠ a způsobu jejich řízení
(EN) Some Results of an Inquiry into the Conditions of the Elementary Nine Year Schools and the Manner of Controlling them
Autor / Author: Bacík, F.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
An organic part of a comprehensive research into the functioning of education in the Czech socialist Republic (focussed on the system of general education) was also an inquiry into the conditions under which projected educational activities are being implemented and how they are controlled within the framework of each school. The research which was carried out during the year 1973 in 36 elementary schools in the Czech Socialist Republic was supposed to give an answer to the question as to what the existing state was in the above-mentioned areas and how this state could be ascertained. It was also supposed to provide information about the extent to which the present-day state was in harmony with the state as »it should be«, i. e. with the existing directives, norms and regulations, or perhaps even with the »desirable« state to be achieved in the future. The investigation of the main factors which substantially influence the functioning the school was centred primarily on the material and organizational conditions of the school as well as on the composition and the quality of the teaching staff and the pupils. Besides, some basic data about the schools and their social environment were also collected during the investigation. The executive activities of school officials were also investigated from several viewpoints, e. g. as systems consisting of different phases of management mutually linked together (planning, organizing, operative management, control) or as aggregates comprising the dialectical unity of aims, contents, conditions and means of management, and last but not least as systems of informational and decision-making processes. The data obtained by the research are interpreted, and with the help of some further sources they are explained, and their theoretical generalization is also partly carried out. The conclusions contain an appraisal of the methods used and some factual as well methodological suggestions for further steps to be taken by educational bodies and pedagogical research in the areas concerned.
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