(CZ) Žák socialistické školy a rozvoj společenského subjektu
(EN) The Pupil of Socialist School and the Development of the Social Subject
Autor / Author: Helus, Z.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The article is focused on the question of elaborating the system viewpoint in investigating and controlling the development of the pupil and which is closely connected with it — on an analysis of the development of the social subject under the influence of the educational system of a socialist school. The application of the system viewpoint involves, firstly, investigating the pupil as a component of the superimposed educational system. The first step is to define the pupil’s specific place and function in the system as a whole. The fundamental characterization of the pupil which we arrive at consists in the fact that by means of activities (primarily learning activities) the socio-historical experience — condensed in the curriculum (or educational programme and the like) — is reproduced in the personality, whereby the personality is universally developed in accordance with the development of the socialist society. The specifically pupil-like learning activities are characterized by being primarily brought about by the teaching process (and other forms of educational activities) organized and controlled by the teacher, who simultaneously checks and evaluates the pupil’s activities and their results. An important role is played in this by the dialectical changes in determining the pupil as the object of the teaching process and simultaneously as the subject of his own learning activities, self-education and the like. Secondly, the application of the system viewpoint involves investigating the pupil himself as a personality system (a personality). The focus is thereby shifted from the analysis of external, structural and functionally dynamic relationships of the pupil to revealing internal contexts, conditions and determinants of his placement. It is a view of the structure of components and dynamic relationships within the pupil himself. The basic component of the pupil’s personality is the learning activity, which is characterized by three features: (a) the learning is itself learnt, i. e. optimized by internal restructuration on the basis of internalizing new, originally external factors of its regulation, (b) it integrates in itself the aim of orientation and simultaneously motivation by unifying the social meanings of the facts learnt and their meaning for the individual himself, (c) it affects the development of the other components of the pupil’s personality (capabilities, motives) and the development of the personality as a whole. A system view of the pupil contributes to the theory and practice of an all-round development of a personality as a social subject. In this context the following points come to the forefront: (a) the forming of the collectivist trait of the personality, in unity with consciousness, activity, and party spirit, (b) the reinforcing of the educational aspects of various social functions (roles) of man.
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