(CZ) K podmínkám rozvoje pedagogiky počátečního stupně základní školy
(EN) Conditions for the Development of Elementary Schools
Autor / Author: Kořínek, M.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
Of great significance for the development of educational knowledge and educational practice is the development of educational branches dealing with education in the respective educational institutions, especially in the individual stages of the educational system. However, an open problem is still the delimitation of the subjects of these branches and their position in the system of educational sciences, as specified by the example of education in the initial stages of elementary schools. The specific character of the initial education can be viewed both from the point of view of the specific character of the institution and from the point of view of the corresponding phase of the development of the child. On the basis of this the education in the initial stages of the school is considered an educational branch, dealing with the education and training of pupils in the initial period of their school attendance with regard to the particularities of children of younger school age. At the same time the social impact and conditions for its further development have been stressed.
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