(CZ) Otázky realizace výukových filmů
(EN) On Questions Concerning the Realization of Educational Films
Autor / Author: Ledvinka, F.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The study traces the influence of individual factors used in the making of the film on the quality of the film and on increasing its educational effectiveness. The share of the technology and the application of the pedagogical principles of visualization and the handling of the film camera in processing the subject matter of the film. The relation of the camera to the spectator’s standpoint, the function of the camera in drawing the spectator’s attention. Emphasizing the demand that the technique used in making the film be known when interpreting the film. The use of sound and commentary in present-day educational and television films. New methods of film communication — the film trick, laboratory and training films and their informational and instructional value. The pedagogical value of a film detail and partial action for the explanation of the subject-matter.
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