(CZ) Průzkum účasti rodičů na výchově k povolání a k jeho volbě u žactva 6.-9. ročníku ZDŠ
(EN) A Research on the Participation of Parents in Vocational Guidance of Pupils in the 6th—9th Year of the Basic Nine Ear School
Autor / Author: Mašek, J.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The aim of the research was to find out the participation of parents in vocational guidance to see how prepared they are to handle these questions and to get to know their ideas about the present state of prevocational orientation of children in their families. The research was carried out with 524 parents in Pilsen. The conclusions arrived at are as follows: 1. The share of the parents in vocational guidance is influenced to a considerable degree by the level of their education and knowledge of the children. 2. A relatively large number of parents believe that they should decide about the future occupations of their children themselves, and that the children should comply with their parent’s wishes. Approximately 25 per cent of parents whose children are in the 9th year of the Basic Nine Year School realize the difficulties involved in choosing an occupation for their child and call for greater assistance than the school and its educational adviser are able to give. 3. Over 40 per cent of boys’ parents realize that the main motive in vocational guidance ought to be the child’s capabilities. Greater attention in questions concerning vocational guidance is given to boys than to girls. In choosing an occupation for their child parents rely mostly on their own experience and therefore it is subjective elements that prevail in the choice of occupation. 4. In order to facilitate a suitable selection of pupils for individual occupations, it would be necessary, from the social and pedagogical point of view, to work out plans for occupations required in the main branches and perspectives of their development. These informative studies should result from a co-operation of psychologists, doctors, economists, sociologists and educationists.
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