(CZ) Celodenní výchovný systém v SSSR
(EN) All-Day Educational System in the USSR
Autor / Author: Opata, R.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The ten years’ school in the USSR is quickly developing to become a school with an all-day educational system for all pupils, in conformity with the worldwide trend, which is also followed by educational systems in most socialist countries. The first school of this type on the USSR territory was founded by L. N. Tolstoy at Yasna Polyana and its creative concept surpassed that of many educationists in other countries. But it was only after the Great October Socialist Revolution that the introduction of socialism made it possible for the all-day educational system to develop on a broader basis, especially in the twenties. The movement for creating a school of the Communist society is held by Marxist educationists, the most outstanding of whom are N. K. Krupskaya, S. T. Slhatskij, P. P. Blonski and others. The idea of a school with an all
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