(CZ) Vývoj systému a forem přípravy mládeže pro dělnická povolání
(EN) Development of The System and Forms of Industrial Training of the Youth
Autor / Author: Zajíček, Z., Aulehla, V.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The task is directed towards a research into the structure of trades in industrial training as an element in the system of education and training of the youth for manual occupations. A comprehensive investigation of political and socio-economic factors affecting the industrial training of the youth will make it possible to work out the characteristics of their determinative influences and will clarify their mutual relationships. It will enable us to solve the instances of inter-dependence of the needs of society as a whole and the functions of industrial training of the youth, particularly as regards completely new functions, which are, from social viewpoints, the most important. It is to be expected that practice will show the necessity of partial changes in the theoretical conception of the forms of training. Newly introduced forms are considered justified and no new, substantially different forms are expected to arise in the given space of time, i. e. in the 1980’s. The changes which are expected to take place in the economic sphere have already been taken into account in the new conception (e. g. the introduction of NC technology, a higher level of automatic regulation and control of production lines and the like). Certain changes are to be expected in the content of the training courses for particular trades as a result of deeper professional analyses and didactic evaluation and arrangement of the content of training courses. This will undoubtedly evoke changes in the relation of further training and monotypic forms in the whole system of training courses, changes in the structure of further training forms (changes in content, vocational orientation and the like) as well as changes in the structure of trades (trades which for various reasons will not be realised, changes evoked by changes in the system of worker’s occupations and changes due to the influence of the system of trade training courses and the like). As a result of the development in the field of skilled labour and in consequence of the realisation of the national programme in the field of education we can expect further expansions of those forms of training which provide complete secondary education.
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