(CZ) Rozvoj osobnosti a optimalizace pedagogického procesu
(EN) Development of Personality and the Optimization of the Pedagogical Process
Autor / Author: Helus, Z.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
Optimization is understood to refer primarily to the pupil’s personality development and to the level of his activities; in the second place it includes the problems of raising the efficiency in concrete activities, especially in the learning process. Spontaneous forms of optimization penetrating into education and schooling on the basis of the uneven development of the relevant scientific knowledge, technical facilities, subjective intentions and the like may lead to deformations in personality „formation. Therefore any optimization efforts must be preceded by a theoretical analysis and their proper realization must approximate a planned direction of changes. The pedagogical and psychological problems of optimizing the educational process are being actualized particularly in certain problem groups. First, it is the pre-school socialization of the child when certain autonomization of social relationships and activities of the child takes place in the child’s disposition basis. The objective is to direct the formation of this basis or, if need be, to alter it in the early school age. Secondly, it is the teacher-pupil interaction and the interaction between classmates. Thirdly, it is the question of directing the pupil’s learning activities. Finally, there may be acts of intervention in the pupil’s out-of-school environment, in his life style etc., which also provide certain opportunities for optimization. In putting the optimization efforts into effect, an important role is played by the teacher. Attention is paid to the pedagogical and psychological aspects of the teacher’s disposition for the development of his optimizing function.
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