(CZ) Socialistická přítomnost a výchovné ideje J. A. Komenského
(EN) Present-Day Socialist Society and the Educational Ideas of J. A. Comenius
Autor / Author: Králík, S.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
Our Socialist society rightly assesses the value of each man by his contribution to our common task. Thus the society has great demands on him and as the living standards rise these demands are increasing. This goes especially for young people; for it is increasingly they who promote the economic, social and cultural progress of this society. Therefore they must be well trained for their tasks while still at school. To achieve this, our present society is building a new, socialist educational system. The pedagogical work of J. A. Comenius may serve as a good guide in this respect; although written in a different period and under different conditions, it can still provide us with many valuable suggestions even for our present-day tasks, mainly because of its structural integrity and the conclusiveness of the ideas presented in it.
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