(CZ) Teória riadenia školstva — podstatný činitel pre zefektívnovanie riadenia škôl
(EN) The Theory of Educational Management — A Substantial Factor in Raising the Efficiency of the Management of Schools
Autor / Author: Obdržálek, Z.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The plenary session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia in November, 1974, pointed to the need to raise the working efficiency of the sphere of management as a whole. This task fully applies to management in the field of education, too, which has to keep pace with management in the field of production, science, technology and other areas of social life, to make use, in its content and working methods, of the trend of development of the Socialist society as a whole and of scientific and technological development, and thus participate, by its own specific means, in building up a Communist society. On the basis of an analysis of the state of development in the field of our educational management and using the gnoseological approach and I. T. Yakushevski’s methodology we have come to the conclusion that the process of cognizing problems in the field of educational management is incomplete, unfinished on the theoretical plane, with practical experiences and partial researches prevailing in it. The theory of educational management has not been adequately constituted, there are open problems regarding its object and function, the question of its correlations with other scientific disciplines has not been fully solved and little use is being made in practical management of the theoretical findings, modest as they are. Using the system approach as the theoretical method in solving the problem of educational management, the author deduces two basic points of dependence.
1. Generally: The system of educational management is linked to a higher system (supersystem) of the Socialist management of society and as such has to comprise theoretical and methodological starting points which are identical with the superior system of society management.
2. Specifically : The system of educational management is linked to the system of Communist education, which is realized by the school and provided for by the educational authorities responsible, and therefore, it also has to integrate the theory, methodology, and practice of pedagogy as the scientific discipline which deals with the theoretical questions of Communist education. As a result of the links between educational management on the one hand and society management and Communist education on the other, the bi-dimensional character of the theory of educational management is inferred in its constitution — it is part of the theory of society management as well as part of pedagogy. However, specific pedagogical problems being of primary importance in educational management, the author characterizes the theory of educational management as a pedagogical scientific discipline. He determines its relationships to other social science disciplines and points out that its methodological base is provided by the logical method based on dialectical materialism. In the last part of the study the author points out how the theory of educational management influences the elaboration of principles, functions and methods of management in the field of education. In conclusion it is underlined that in everyday practice scientific educational management presupposes the realization of such a mechanism where the experience and the art of executive educationists are combined with scientists* power of analysis, evaluation and formulation. The policy of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia in the educational sector creates optimal pre-requisites for such a combination. Active participation of each educationist, specifically according to his or her function, in the process of raising the efficiency of educational management and thereby improving the quality of the Communist education of the young generation at our schools, will depend on the i conceptual and organizational work of the education authorities, on intensive activities of those working in the field of theory, and on the initiative of executives in schools and at various levels of educational administration.
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