(CZ) Jednotný systém předškolní výchovy
(EN) A Uniform System of Pre-School Education
Autor / Author: Jírová, M., Bělinová, L.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
"The main target of pre-school education in Czechoslovakia at present is the achievement of unity in educational work and smooth transition from one stage to another, especially from crèches to kindergartens. The principles of a uniform system of pre-school education, which is being gradually formed, are the fundamental problem of pre-school theory and practice. The main features of this system are the following: unity of purpose in the education of children in the pre-school period, unity of view in selecting children’s tasks, and finally unity of approach to work with children. This article is only a contribution to clearing up the main principles of a uniform system of pre-school education and the conditions for its application and introduction. A uniform system of pre-school education will have to be worked out in the first place for work with children in public pre-school establishments, but gradually it will be necessary to extend it also to the educational work in families, even those who do not put their children into crèches and kindergartens.
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