(CZ) Film a televize ve vysokoškolské výuce
(EN) Film and Television in Higher Education
Autor / Author: Urban, B. S.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The film and its younger sister, the television, are not only significant means of mass communication, but also equally important aids in higher education. Future creative and technical workers in these two areas can acquire top level professional qualification at the Film Faculty of the Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. But the knowledge of film and TV theory and practice is also important in other socially committed professions. Future workers in the field of adult education, future sociologists, educationists, psychologists, art historians, teachers meet with film and TV in their work ever more frequently and so they ought to understand the basic problems of film and TV. Similarly future doctors, agronomists and researchers in natural sciences can use film and TV not only popularizing new pieces of knowledge, but also as aids in their research activities. In determining the content and the extent of courses at universities and technical universities there are basically two aspects to be ta ken into account: 1} educational, 2) scientific and research. In the first case the question is to include film and TV in the educational process functionally, in the second case to acquaint students with methods of scientific research through the Intermediary of film and TV, provided these are used in some of the university specializations. A film recording dealing with scientific research can, under certain circumstances, be used in instruction, especially when it is possible to demonstrate in a short, repeated shot a particular natural process in changing phases, if the film recording indicates the solution of a scientific problem. Other kinds of films are didactic films, which supplement textbook material and the teacher’s lecture, or instructional films, which are used in preparing certain types of exercises. Also popular educational and artistic films can, in some concrete cases, be found useful in university studies. The present trend is to make programme films, constituted from the viewpoint of programming the subject-matter concerned. The work with scientific and research film presupposes the knowledge of some special techniques (collection films, speed cinematography, X-ray cinematography and the like) which should be mastered by the students of the respective branches during their studies already. The use of industrial television for the purposes of the universities by the introduction of the so-called closed circuit enables us to adapt the television transmission to the specific conditions of individual university specializations, It is of importance e. g. in language teaching, in the study of medicine (transmission of surgical operations straight from the operating theatre), in the scientific study of pedagogy (transmission of the picture of a classroom under natural conditions) and the like.
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