(CZ) Syntetizující funkce vyučování
(EN) The Synthetizing Function of Classroom Instruction
Autor / Author: Kolář, Z.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
Seeking a solution to the current crisis of the state of classroom instruction is a social necessity. Classroom instruction provides formal education, which is at variance with the pieces of knowledge acquired by the youth outside the classroom. Apart from classroom teaching, there is a growing amount of pieces of knowledge provided by society; thus society actively but uncontrollably interferes in the education process. Educational influences of society must not be ignored by the school. They must be reckoned with as being conditions of an organized educational process, and from this angle the conception of classroom instruction should be altered. It is necessary to re-assess the relationship of the basic functions of classroom teaching. Stressing the formative function at the expense of the informative function means concentrating on getting the pupils to master, above all, the methods of intellectual work. A new function added to these is the synthetizing function Classroom teaching is the only educational medium that can make a synthesis of all the pieces of knowledge acquired by the youth both in and out of school. The synthesis is essential for the formation of a uniform system of knowledge and ideas. It also means strengthening the organizational work of the school with regard to educational elements outside the school. Thereby it is possible to provide pupils with motivation and methods for permanent self-education. The synthetizing conception of classroom instruction necessitates elaborating the content of education in the form of basic content aggregates with maximal possibilities of influencing independent thinking of the pupils. The teacher would imaginatively link up these aggregates and supplement them by making use of the elements of pupils’ individual experiences. The methodological aspect of classroom teaching should be orientated in such a way as to guide the pupils’ activities while they are working through the subject-matter themselves, not just to supply information. It is necessary to do away with stereotyped organizational forms of classroom instruction and to base the organizational aspects of the teaching process on the requirements of content and objectives which the teacher is trying to reach through the intermediary of the content. By applying the synthetizing function in his classroom practice, the teacher can prepare the pupils very well for their future active work in society.
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