Center for Educational Measurement and Psychometrics

Selected Publications and Presentations

Selected papers and proceedings

[1] Martinková P, Hladká A, Potužníková E. (2020). Is academic tracking related to gains in learning competence? Using propensity score matching and differential item change functioning analysis for better understanding of tracking implications. Learning and Instruction, 66,

[2] Hladká A, Martinková P. (2020). Generalized logistic regression models for DIF and DDF detection. The R Journal, 12(1), 300-323.

[3] Bartoš F, Martinková P, Brabec M. (2020). Testing heterogeneity in inter-rater reliability. In The Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society (pp. 347-364). Springer, Cham.

[4] Štěpánek L, Martinková P. (2020). Feasibility of computerized adaptive testing evaluated by Monte-Carlo and  post-hoc simulations. In Proceedings of the 2020 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS), pp. 359-367,

[5] Martinková P, Goldhaber D, Erosheva E. Disparities in ratings of internal and external applicants: A case for model-based inter-rater reliability. PLOS ONE, 13(10), e0203002, 2018.

[6] Martinková P, Drabinová A. ShinyItemAnalysis for Teaching Psychometrics and to Enforce Routine Analysis of Educational Tests. The R Journal, 10:2, pp. 503-515, 2018.

Selected papers in Czech

[1] Radvanová S, Čížková V, Martinková P. (2019). Hodnocení badatelského přístupu v biologii z pohledu učitelů a žáků gymnázií [The Evaluation of the Inquiry-Based Learning in Biology Classes from the Grammar School Teachers’ and Students’ Point of View]. Scientia in educatione, roč. 10, č. 1, 2019, s. 51-67.

[2] Bartáková I, Chvál M, Martinková P. Predikční validita zkoušek zakončujících středoškolské vzdělávání a přijímacích testů na vysoké školy. [The Predictive Value of Final Middle-School Examinations and Entrance Tests at Universities, in Czech]. Pedagogika, 1/2018.

[3] Radvanová S, Čížková V, Martinková P. Mění se pohled učitelů na badatelsky orientovanou výuku? [Are teachers’ attitudes to inquiry-basedlearning changing? In Czech]. Scientia in Educatione 9(1), 2018, p. 81–103.

Selected presentations

1] Martinková P. Deeper analysis of group disparities in ratings motivated by simulated and real data examples. Invited talk at CSSS
20thAnniversary Conference, University of Washington, Seattle. May 24, 2019.

[2] Martinková P. Assessing disparities in student and applicant ratings. Seminar in Applied Mathematics. Invited seminar talk at Masaryk
University,Brno, May 14, 2019.

[3] Martinková P. Advanced analysis of educational measurement. Invited seminar talk at Department of Didactics of Mathematics. Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, May 2, 2019.

[4] Martinková P. ShinyItemAnalysis for psychometric training and to enforce routine analysis of educational tests. Invited talk at R meetup
Warsaw, May 24, 2018.

[5] Martinková P., Drabinová A. ShinyItemAnalysis for psychometric training and research. IMPS 2018, New York. Poster

[6] Martinková P, Goldhaber D, Erosheva E. Model-Based Reliability to Check for Disparities in Ratings of Internal and External Applicants.
EAM 2018, 25-27 June, Jena. Presentation


[1] Martinková, P., Hladká, A. (2020) ShinyItemAnalysis: Test and item analysis via shiny. R package version 1.3.4. For more information see

[2] Hladká, A., Martinková, P.(2020) difNLR: DIF and DDF detection by non-linear regression models. R packageversion 1.3.5.