(CZ) Dominance učitele a způsob jejího vyjadřování
(EN) The Dominance of the Teacher and the Way it is Expressed
Autor / Author: Ergens, T.
Klíčová slova / Key words: pedagogická komunikace, dominance, moc, autorita učitele, komunikační pravidla, okřikování, příkazy, zesměšnění, vyhrožování, požadavky pozornosti, klidu a poslušnosti.
Článek prezentuje výzkumnou práci zabývající se dominancí učitele v rámci pedagogické komunikace. Na základě kvalitativní analýzy přepisů komunikace ve vyučovacích hodinách jsou identifikovány projevy dominance, které učitelé při přímé práci se žáky využívají.
The article presents a research project concerned with the dominance of the teacher in the frame of pedagogical On the basis of the qualitative analysis of six transcripts of communication in lessons, the research identified the expressions of dominance that teachers use in direct work with pupils. The research sample included different grades in different schools (the 1st and 2nd grade of basic school, four-year and six-year academic secondary school), a choice that corresponded to the principles of the qualitative research strategy selected.
The finding from the probe into the field of the dominance of the teacher, or how it is expressed, are summarised in the text. The theme itself is an attempt to answer the research question of the ways in which the teacher expresses dominance in the ordinary (traditional) school.
The conclusions to the project offer a cat-egorisation presenting the most frequently observed modes of projection of teacher dominance: the emphasising of rules, issue of orders, ridicule, threat, and calling to order. The reason why teachers adopt the dominant behaviour so defined is above all to ensure the pupils‘ attention. Other frequent reasons were the need for quiet in the class and the need to secure obedience.
The research work was aimed at exploring and opening up a particular problem that is insufficiently addressed in the Czech educational context. The text offers a structured view of teacher dominance but also suggestions for further research.
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