Instruction for authors

In accordance with international standards in publication of scientific works, only original texts which had not been published. Information for contributors: Didactic studies are divided into several sections where it is possible to submit a paper.


Papers are the main section of the journal, it brings scientific studies in monothematic issues dealing with selected topics, in issues which are not limited to one topic there are addressed various, mostly linguodidactic problems. Authors of regular articles are asked to keep their manuscript between 10–15 pages, longer articles may be accepted in well-founded cases. Obligatory parts of the text are abstract and key words in Czech and English, incuding English translation of the title of the article. At the end the author adds the information about his/her affiliations, contact address and e-mail. All articles are peer-reviewed.


In this section there are published texts informing about didactic studies and research and studies as a part of a project. Research news may be published as well. Articles should be between 10–15 pages long, they should contain abstract and key words in Czech and English and English translation of the title of the article and contact address and e-mail. Articles are peer reviewed by editorial board and other scientists.


Applications are practical texts, suggestions how to work in a classroom, teachers´ experience with working on special topics, suggestions of methodological solutions of isolated topics or complex of topics, suggestions for teachers of various grades. Applications should be maximum 5 pages long.


We accept reviews of didactic literature, conference proceedings, textbooks etc. Reviews should include a complete bibliographical information of the reviewed work. Reviews are between 3-5 pages long.


Short information about conferences, interesting events for school and didactics or pedagogy.


Contributions should be sent via e-mail in Word, Font Times New Roman 12, line spacing 1,5. Please do not use the wordprocessor´s options to justify text and do not use text frames. Please add list of references after the text, references in the text to publications should include the author´s name and year of publication, and, if necessary, page numbers in brackets, e. g. (Šmejkalová, 2010, s. 33).

For reference style compare following examples:


ŠMEJKALOVÁ, M. (2010): Čeština a škola – úryvky skrytých dějin. Praha: Karolinum. (Czech language and school – aspects of hidden history.)


HÁJKOVÁ, E. (2011): Didaktika českého jazyka pro 21. století. Didaktické studie, ročník 3, č. 1, s. 57–60. (Czech language didactics for the 21st century.)

Following the bibliography enter your first name, surname, academic title, affiliation and email, e. g.

doc. PhDr. Eva Hájková, CSc.

Katedra českého jazyka Pedagogické fakulty UK v Praze