Kristóf Fenyvesi, Ph.D.

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Kristóf Fenyvesi, Ph.D. (b. 1979) is a researcher of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics), trans- and multidisciplinary learning and contemporary cultural studies at the Finnish Institute for Educational Research, University of Jyväskylä, Finland ( He is member of the Research Group for Innovative Learning Environments and the Research Group for Education, Assessment & Learning.

Fenyvesi is Community Events Director of the Bridges Organization (, the world’s largest education community for the mathematics and the arts. He has been the editor of the annual Bridges conference’s Workshop Paper track and coordinator of the Bridges Public Day ( since 2011. In 2014 he became a full member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. Since 2016, he has been member of the European Mathematical Society’s Committee for Raising Public Awareness. Between 2013-2017 he served as the chief executive officer of the International Symmetry Association ( and in 2008 he launched Experience Workshop—Global STEAM Network ( He was invited by the European Commission to serve as the STEAM expert evaluator of various H2020 and Erasmus+ projects.

His main areas of research are mathematics and art connections in learning; STEAM education; inquiry-based, cooperative, playful and experience-oriented approaches in mathematics education; problem-solving in mathematics, in science and art education; connecting hands-on activities and digital modeling in mathematics, science, art and design education; science & art connections in learning; phenomenon-based, multi- and transdisciplinary learning and co-teaching; inter-, cross-, multi- and transdisciplinary management and trans-curricular leadership in education; interdisciplinary aesthetics and philosophy.