(CZ) Dialog a podmínky jeho existence
(EN) The dialogue and the conditions for its existence
Autor / Author: Špalek, V.
Klíčová slova / Key words: Dialog, komunikace, metoda poznání
Příspěvek se zamýšlí nad okolnostmi, za nichž je dialog možný. Reálně je blokován řadou zábran. Hlavní jsou ve výchovné tradici, v světonázorové rigiditě, v loajalitě k axiologickým požadavkům a v obavě z konfliktu rolí u téhož jedince. Závěr příspěvku je věnován předpokladům, které nesmí absentovat, pokud dialog má zůstat dialogem.
The author of the contribution reasons about circumstances under which a dialogue is possible. The world of the developmental acceleration in which we all take part, cannot do without seeing the alway increasing problems clearly — this being the sole possibility to act as a starting point to attempts to solve them. Such a starting point is seen just in a dialogue which at the same time represents a meaningful way of any existence in the world. Actually the dialogue is blocked by a number of obstacles. The mojor ones are seen in the educational tradition, in the loyality to axilogical demands, in the worldview rigidity, and in the anxictties that a conflict of roles in the same individual might arise. A dialogue is concieved as a dia-logos, and so the first condition is the claryfying of the concepts which are being operated upon here. — The conclusion is devoted to the hypotheses which must not be absent, so far the dialogue is to remain a dialogue. One of the main conditions of a dialogue is the art of listening to.
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