(CZ) Pohledy na formativní a sumativní hodnocení žáka v českých publikacích
(EN) Perspectives on the Formative and Summative Assessment of the Pupil in Czech Publications
Autor / Author: ŽLÁBKOVÁ, I., ROKOS, L.
Klíčová slova / Key words: hodnocení, formativní hodnocení, sumativní hodnocení, kritéria a indikátory hodnocení, práce s chybou, portfolio, klasifikace, slovní hodnocení
assessment, formative assessment, summative assessment, criteria and indicators of assessment, working with mistakes, portfolio, classification, verbal assessment
Studie se zabývá obsahovou analýzou českých publikací zaměřených na školní hodnocení. Do výzkumného vzorku pro analýzu byly zařazeny publikace zabývající se formativním a sumativním hodnocením vydané od roku 1999 do roku 2012. V rámci obsahové analýzy jsme vyhodnotili, jaký je přístup autorů ke školnímu hodnocení, jakými tématy se autoři zabývají a o jakých aspektech formativního a sumativního hodnocení pojednávají. V první kapitole je analyzován obsah a pojetí publikací, následně je ve druhé kapitole provedeno porovnání pojetí formativního a sumativního hodnocení autory, kteří se těmito typy hodnocení zabývají. Třetí kapitola je zaměřena na analýzu různých postupů, metod a forem hodnocení, které lze využít v procesu formativního a sumativního hodnocení.
The study offers an analysis of theoretical and empirical perspectives on formative and summative assessment in Czech publications. The text takes as starting point the conclusions of the OECD report on the assessment of education (Santiago et al., 2012) and its main recommendations for the implementation of assessment in teaching. They include the following priorities: to strengthen the competence of teachers in the assessment of pupils, the conscious application of formative assessment and the drawing up of national methodological instructions for the assessment of educational goals with the aim of reducing differences in assessment and marking of pupils by individual teachers.
The study presents a content analysis of selected Czech publications concerned with school assessment published between 1999 and 2012. In the first chapter we analyse how authors approach school assessment and the kind of themes they discuss.
In the second chapter we look at various authors‘ concepts of formative and summative assessment, In the third chapter we offer an account of the way in which different procedures, methods and forms of assessment related to formative and summative assessment are treated in Czech publications. The different themes are judged from the point of view of the breadth of treatment and the approach of authors to summative assessment (with a focus on the approach to assessment as feedback information) and from the point of view of their benefits for educational theory and practice.
We found that in the publications the themes analysed are treated overall in a generally comprehensive way from the general educational or sometimes educational psychological point of view. For their functional exploitation in educational practice, however, there is a lack of treatment from the point of view of discipline or subject didactics. The recommendations for practice presented in the publications, supplemented by arbitrary examples from the subject matter of various taught subjects do not provide teachers with a systematic foundation for the development of their assessment competences.
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