(CZ) Trvalý úkol školy — učit podstatnému
(EN) A permanent task of the school, to teach the fundamental stuff
Autor / Author: Kubíčková, M.
Klíčová slova / Key words: Celistvé myšlení, proměna způsobu života, celistvá osobnost žáka, vnitřní reforma školy, komunikace s celkem světa, komunikativní metody ve výchově, výchova k úctě ke sférám světa, duchovní hodnoty, osobnostní schrána se složkou tělesnou, duševní a duchovní
Podmínkou účinné školské reformy je proměna myšlení a způsobu života učitelů i vztahu učitelů a žáků. Zjednodušené analytické myšlení je třeba nahradit myšlením celistvým. Jen tak bude možné navrátit člověka do celku jeho světa a určit, co je pro jeho život podstatné, co tedy učit ve škole.
The generally valid appeal of J. A. Commenius “that not many things should be taught at school but those inevitable for the life” is an inspiration even for the contemporary school. A lot of non-communicating items of knowledge and a narrowed view of the learners overlooking the complexity of their personalities do not enable us to define what the really inevitable things for the life are. The key for finding that essential stuff should be the general structure of the world in which each man has to live. The capability to communicate with the spheres of this structure as the condition of the man’s return into the world’s wholeness should become the goal of school activies. This should include the knowledge of the tripplicate vessels of a man (bodily, psychic and spiritual), of the community one lives in, of the human makes as a compound of the culture; of the nature environment, and at last but not least of the sphere of the spiritual values which extend themselves beyond the man. The entire approach to the world and to the man, the teachers’ holistis a thinking are the starting-points of the transformation living both in the way of living, and the forms and contents of the teachers’ educational art. Those are above all the potential carriers of the transformation of the school as well as stimulators of the social dynamics. Only through this inner reform will it be possible to transform the school into an amiable home both for the learners and the teachers, into a creative workshop awakening the respect for life, a feeling of belonging to the whole and thus also the inner freedom and responsibility
which are mutually related.
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