(CZ) Práva dítěte a jejich výzkum
(EN) The rights of the child and his research
Autor / Author: Hradeční, M.
Klíčová slova / Key words: práva dítěte, výchova, pojetí dítěte, socializace, projekt výzkumu
Informace o projektu výzkumu o povědomí a realizaci práv dítěte. Výzkum vychází Z Úmluvy o právech dítěte a z pojetí dítěte jako subjektu, s důrazem na výchovnou realitu a prostředí školy a rodiny, je součástí mezinárodního srovnávacího výzkumu pod patronací ISPA.
The research carried out in the Czech Republic is a part of the cross- national comparing study (including cca 30 countries). The starting point is the conception of a child as a subject in harmony with the Convention of the Rights of the Child. It is planned by the year 1995 and mapped out into three stages: 1. finding out the reality of applying the children’s rights and the child’s position. 2. studying the educational and socialization processes at school in the connection with the children’s rights. 3. studying the socialization practice and adherence to the children’s rights in the family. In the first stage the investigation of 100 teachers and 2 500 children of 13—14 years will be carried out by the means of standardized questionnaires. At the same time the proper, deaper investigation will take place. The results will be published in the form of comparative studies (Czecho-Slovak as well as international). They can be used as a starting - point for suggestions of educational programmes in this field with the goal of intensifying the role of education when completing the rights of the children.
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