(CZ) Vztah prokrastinace a locus of control v akademickém prostředí
(EN) The Relationship between Procrastination and Locus of Control in the Academic Environment
Autor / Author: Procházka, J., Bláhová, A., Mokrá, T., Šimková, P., Vodička, A., Zezulka, R., Ježek, S.,Vaculík, M.
Klíčová slova / Key words: prokrastinace, locus of control, akademické prostředí
procrastination, locus of control, academic environment
Studie se zabývá vztahem mezi akademickou prokrastinací a locus of control. Navazuje na studie zkoumající tento vztah, které přinášejí nejednoznačné výsledky. Pro online sběr dat byly pomocí focus group vytvořeny dotazníky locus of control a akademické prokrastinace. Ze 145 oslovených, náhodně vybraných vysokoškolských studentů jedné fakulty kompletně vyplnilo dotazníky 100 z nich. Provedená korelační analýza neodhalila statisticky významný vztah mezi zkoumanými proměnnými. Předpoklad, že internalita/externalita locus of control koreluje s akademickou prokrastinací, se nepotvrdil. Výsledky jsou srovnávány s výsledky zahraničních studií, jsou zmíněna specifika akademické prokrastinace a navrženy další možné směry výzkumu v této oblasti.
The study is concerned with the relationship between academic procrastination and locus of control. It follows on from studies that explored this relationship but produced no unequivocal results. It starts from the premise that people with an internal locus of control relate the results that they achieve to their own efforts. This suggests that they will feel greater responsibility and consequently procrastinate less than people with an external locus of control, who attribute responsibility for their results to external influences. Using a focus group, questionnaires on locus of control and academic procrastination were created for online data collection. 145 randomly selected university students studying for a bachelor degree in one faculty orientated to humanities were approached, and of these 100 completed the questionnaire. Correlation analysis did not reveal a statistically significant relationship between the variables investigated (r = –0,15, p = 0,15). The theory that the internality/externality of locus of control correlates with academic procrastination was not confirmed. Students who feel responsible for the results of their work put off academic tasks to the same extent as students who regard the results as more the effect of chance or external circumstances. These results can be extrapolated to students of faculties where comparable study tasks are set (independent reading, seminar papers, optional lectures, summary examinations) and which impose similar sanctions for poor work or failure to keep deadlines (repeating the task or repeating a subject). To increase external validity it would be useful to replicate the study with students at a technical university, which requires students to fulfil tasks of a different character.
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