(CZ) J . A. Komenský a naše školské reformy
(EN) J. A. Comenius and our school reforms
Autor / Author:
Klíčová slova / Key words: Podstata Komenského pedagogického realismu
Polistopadové (1989) reformní hnutí se snaží korigovat poúnorový (1948) materiocentrismus, přetížení žáků množstvím učiva, větším zřetelem k jejich věkovým a individuálním zvláštnostem, tak zvaným pedocentrismem. Neznalost teoretických základů pedocentrismu a důsledků v jeho praktické aplikaci vede k značné dezorientaci. Od dob první republiky (1918) do dneška se obětí této dezorientace stává i J. A. Komenský, jeho pedagogický realismus.
The groundwork of J. A. Comenius’s realism is undoubtedly the principle of linking the words to things, and thus it relieves the school education of verbalism which was characteristic for the scholastic school and is always more being a menace to the school. The concept of educational realism is, however, not exhausted by joining the words to the things. In the Gate of Things as well as in the Gate of Languages it occurs that the element here is the origin and developing of concepts, the man’s capability of classifying the objects and items accorcing to certain qualities or signs, that all this happens in a natural way called historical by Comenius. Through this historical way it is secured that a word is not a mere word but at the same time it is a concept. The word and the concept merge together. This is the very groundwork of Comenius’s realism on which other realities are being built up: the teaching material necessary for the life, a well thought out system of knowledge, well thought out means for achieving the educational goals.
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