(CZ) Dynamické testované jazykových a verbálných schopností dětí zo sociálně znevýhodňujúceho prostredia
(EN) The Dynamic Testing of the Linguistic and Verbal Skills of Children in Socially Underprivileged Conditions
Autor / Author: Mesárošová, M.
Klíčová slova / Key words: dynamické testovanie, jazykové schopnosti, verbálné schopnosti, sociálně znevýhodňujúce prostredie
Studia je zameraná na dynamické testovanie jazykových a verbálných schopností detízo sociálně znevýhodňujúceho prostredia. Vymedzuje charakteristiky dynamického testo-vania v porovnaní so statickým testováním schopností a výkonov. Opisuje možnosti aplikácie, přínosy a obmedzenia dynamického hodnotenia v pedagogickej a psychologickej diagnostike s akcentom na cielovú skupinu dětí zo sociálně znevýhodňujúceho, ako aj kulturné ajazykovo odlišného prostredia.
Dynamic testing of skills represents a developing interactive approach used in the teaching context and originally based on the idea of a socially and culturallyjust assessment of the learning potential of pupils - something that is not possible using standardised static tests. Dynamic testing is a broader term covering heterogeneous approaches that have in common the inclusion of teaching and feedback in the process of testing, with the course and sequence of the diagnostic process being dependent on the performance of the subject. Its theoretical starting point is Vygotsky‘s zone of proximal development, which means the exploration of the best performance that the tested pupil achieves with the help of the examiner. Alternative models of dynamic testing use variable systems of instruction serving to raise performance, ranging from situationally adjusted individualised instruction to general standardised hierarchically organised systems of suggestions that make psychological processes visible and provide metacognitive instruments for solving a task. Dynamic testing overcomes the shortcomings of traditional diagnostics, i.e. orientation to the fixed results of past teaching, the under-evaluation of the performances of those who are handicapped by a lack of the experience typical of the population in which the tests have been standardised, and inability to predict educational performance. Its authors and defenders see the applicability of dynamic testing as lying in the diagnostic process for pupils from socially, culturally and linguistically different environments, and in various areas of the school curriculum such as testing the intellectual abilities and special abilities of pupils when it is important to distinguish between backwardness and damage to function. The aim is not to assign the pupil to a particular form of special education, but to reveal his or her hidden abilities and latent potential, to help in putting together individualised study plans, and so to overcome his or her backwardness in performance.
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