(CZ) Educational Neuroscience and Reconsideration of Educational Research
(EN) Educational Neuroscience and Reconsideration of Educational Research
Autor / Author: Flobakk, F. R.
Klíčová slova / Key words: educational research, educational neuroscience, reconsideration, transdisciplinary research
educational research, educational neuroscience, reconsideration, transdisciplinary research
Educational neuroscience is a cross-disciplinary field where researchers work at the interface of education, psychology, and cognitive neuroscience. Certain difficulties arise in the merging of the disciplines as a result of differences in the traditions’ philosophies, methodologies, theories, and practices. Critical consideration of the ‘bridging project’ is essential for the development of educational neuroscience, but I will also argue that questions arising in the wake of this cross-discipline are relevant for reconsidering educational research.
Educational neuroscience is a cross-disciplinary field where researchers work at the interface of education, psychology, and cognitive neuroscience. Certain difficulties arise in the merging of the disciplines as a result of differences in the traditions’ philosophies, methodologies, theories, and practices. Critical consideration of the ‘bridging project’ is essential for the development of educational neuroscience, but I will also argue that questions arising in the wake of this cross-discipline are relevant for reconsidering educational research.
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Literatura / References:
Ansari, D., & Coch, D. (2006). Bridges over troubled waters: education and cognitive neuroscience. TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences, 10(4), 146-151.
Beauchamp, C., & Beauchamp, M. H. (2013). Boundary as Bridge: An Analysis of the Educational Neuroscience Literature from a Boundary Perspective. Educational Psychology Review, 25, 47-67.
Bernstein, B. (2000). Pedagogy, Symbolic Control and Identity. Theory, research, critique. Boston: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Bourdieu, P. (1986). The Forms of Capital. In J. G. Richardson (Ed.), Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education. Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group.
Brain Gym (2014). Brain Gym International, from Brain Gym's official webpage, downloaded 14 May 2014, from http://www.braingym.org/
Campbell, S. R. (2011). Educational Neuroscience: Motivations, methodology, and implications. Educational Philosophy and Theory; Special issue: Educational Neuroscience, 43(1), 7-16.
Carlyle, R. (2014). 10 fun ways to boost your child's brain power. The Times. http://www.thetimes.co.uk/ tto/health/child-health/article4039889.ece
Christodoulou, J. A., & Gaab, N. (2009). Using and misusing neuroscience in education-related research. Cortex, 45, 555-557.
D'aurora, D. L., & Fimian, M. J. (1988). Dimensions of life and school stress experienced by young people, in Psychology in the Schools, 25(1), 44-53.
Dekker, S., Lee, N. C., Howard-Jones, P., & Jolles, J. (2012). Neuromyths in education: prevalence and predictors of misconceptions among teachers. Frontiers in Psychology, 3(429), 1-8.
della Chiesa, B., Christoph, V., & Hinton, C. (2009). How Many Brains does It Take to Build a New Light: Knowledge Management Challenges of a Transdisciplinary Project. Mind, Brain, and Education, 3(1), 17-26.
Emmeche, C., & Schilhab, T. S. S. (2007). Er en pedagogisk nevrovitenskap mulig? i T. S. S. Schilhab & B. Steffensen (red.) Nervepirrende pedagogikk – en introduksjon til pedagogisk nevrovitenskap. Oslo: Kommuneforlaget.
Fairclough, N. (2010). Critical discourse analysis: the critical study of language. London: Pearson.
Fairclough, N. (2003). Analysing discourse. Textual analysis for social research. London: Routledge.
Fawcett, A. J., & Nicolson, R. I. (2007). Dyslexia, learning, and pedagogical neuroscience. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 49(4), 306-311.
Fischer, K. W., Daniel, D. B., Immordino-Yang, M. H., Stern, E., Bratto, A., & Koizumi, H. (2007). Why Mind, Brain, and Education? Why Now? Mind, Brain, and Education, 1(1), 1-2.
Flobakk, F. R. (2015). The development and impact of educational neuroscience. A critical discourse analysis. Trondheim: Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
Fredrickson, N., & Cline, T. (2009). Special educational needs. Inclusion and diversity. New York: Open University Press.
Gazzaniga, M. S., Ivry, R. B., & Mangun, G. R. (2009). Cognitive Neuroscience. The biology of the mind (3rd edition). London: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
Geake, J., & Cooper, P. (2003). Cognitive Neuroscience: Implications for Education? Westminster Studies in Education, 26(1), 7-20.
Gelman, S. A., & Taylor, M. (2010). The fundamentals of brain development: integrating nature and nurture. Journal of Cognition and Development, 11(3), 393-396.
Goswami, U. (2006). Neuroscience and education: from research to practice? Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 7, 2-7.
Green, A. (2006). Education, Globalization, and the Nation-State. In H. Lauder, P. Brown, J. A. Dillabough, & A. H. Halsey (Eds.), Education, Globalization & Social Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Greenwood, R. (2009). Where are the educators? What is our role in the debate? Cortex, 45, 552-554.
Hart, C. (2001). Doing a literature search. A comprehensive guide for the social sciences. London: SAGE Publications.
Hook, C. J., & Farah, M. J. (2013). Neuroscience for educators: what are they seeking, and what are they finding? Neuroethics, 6, 331-341.
Howard-Jones, P. (2008). Philosophical challenges for researchers at the interface between neuroscience and education. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 42(3-4), 361-380.
Howard-Jones, P. (2010). Introducing neuroeducational research. Neuroscience, education and the brain from contexts to practice. London: Routledge.
Jesson, J. K., Matheson, L., & Lacey, F. M. (2011). Doing your literature review. Traditional and systematic techniques. London: SAGE Publications.
Jong, T. D., Gog, T. van, Jenks, K., et al. (2009). Explorations in learning and the brain. New York: Springer Science.
Kennair, L. E. O. (2008). Biofobi og biologisme. Om den ideologiske motstanden mot biologiske perspektiver innen moderne samfunnsvitenskap. Impuls. Tidsskrift for Psykologi, 1(62), 10-23.
Learning Rx (2014). Learning Rx – Train the brain. Get smarter, from Learning Rx's official webpage, downloaded 19 May 2014 from http://www.learningrx.com/
Logan, C. A., & Johnston, T. D. (2007). Synthesis and separation in the history of "nature" and "nurture". Developmental Psychobiology, 49(8), 758-769.
Maquet, P., Laureys, S., Peigneux, P., Fuchs, S., et al. (2000). Experience-dependent changes in cerebral activation during human REM sleep. Nature Neuroscience, 3(8), 831-836.
OECD (2007). Understanding the brain: The birth of a learning science. Paris: OECD.
Pasquinelli, E. (2011). Knowledge- and Evidence-Based Education: Reasons, Trends, and Contents. Mind, Brain, and Education, 5(4), 186-195.
Patten, K. E. (2011). The somatic appraisal model of affect: Paradigm for educational neuroscience and neuropedagogy. Educational Philosophy and Theory; Special issue: Educational Neuroscience, 43(1) 89-97.
Petitto, L. A., & Dunbar, K. N. (2004). New Findings from Educational Neuroscience on Bilingual Brains, Scientific Brains, and the Educated Mind. Conference on Building Usable Knowledge in Mind, Brain, & Education. Harvard School of Education, 1-20.
Piaget, J. (1964). Development and Learning, Part I: Cognitive Development in Children. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 2, 176-186.
Rizvi, F., & Lingard, B. (2006). Globalization and the changing nature of the OECD's educational work. In H. Lauder, P. Brown, J. A. Dillabough, & A. H. Halsey (Eds.), Education, Globalization & Social Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Samuels, B. M. (2009). Can the difference between education and neuroscience be overcome by mind, brain, and education? Mind, Brain, and Education, 3(1), 45-55.
Sapolsky, R. M. (1992). Stress, the aging brain, and the mechanisms of neuron death. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
SCNi (2016). Teensleep. Official webpage for Sleep Circadian Neuroscience Institute. Retrieved 12.04.16, from http://www.ndcn.ox.ac.uk/research/sleep-circadian-neuroscience-institute/research-projects-4/teensleep
Simmonds, A. (2014). How neuroscience is affecting education: Report of teacher and parent surveys. London: Wellcome Trust.
Stein, Z., Connell, M. & Gardner, H. (2009). Exercising quality control in interdisciplinary education: Toward an epistemologically responsible approach. In R. Cigman & A. Davis (Eds.), New philosophies of learning. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Stein, Z. & Fischer, K. W. (2011). Directions for mind, brain, and education: Methods, models, and morality. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 43(1), 56-66.
TLRP (2007). Neuroscience and education: Issues and opportunities. P. Howard-Jones (Ed.), A Commentary by the Teaching and Learning Research Programme. London: TLRP.
US Department of Health & Human Services (2014). Office of Head Start, official webpage. Retrieved 16.09.14, from http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/ohs
Wagner, U., Gais, S., Haider, H., Verleger, R., & Born, J. (2004). Sleep inspires insight. Nature, 427(6792), 352-355.
Varma, S., McCandliss, B. D., & Schwartz, D. L. (2008). Scientific and Pragmatic Challenges for Bridging Education and Neuroscience. Educational Researcher, 37(3), 140-152.
Vygotsky, L.S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Weisberg, D. S., Keil, F. C., Goodstein, J., Rawson, E., & Gray, J. R. (2008). The Seductive Allure of Neuroscience Explanations. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20(3), 470-477.
Wighton, K. (2007). How to boost the brain. The Times. http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/life/families/ article1852553.ece
Ansari, D., & Coch, D. (2006). Bridges over troubled waters: education and cognitive neuroscience. TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences, 10(4), 146-151.
Beauchamp, C., & Beauchamp, M. H. (2013). Boundary as Bridge: An Analysis of the Educational Neuroscience Literature from a Boundary Perspective. Educational Psychology Review, 25, 47-67.
Bernstein, B. (2000). Pedagogy, Symbolic Control and Identity. Theory, research, critique. Boston: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Bourdieu, P. (1986). The Forms of Capital. In J. G. Richardson (Ed.), Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education. Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group.
Brain Gym (2014). Brain Gym International, from Brain Gym's official webpage, downloaded 14 May 2014, from http://www.braingym.org/
Campbell, S. R. (2011). Educational Neuroscience: Motivations, methodology, and implications. Educational Philosophy and Theory; Special issue: Educational Neuroscience, 43(1), 7-16.
Carlyle, R. (2014). 10 fun ways to boost your child's brain power. The Times. http://www.thetimes.co.uk/ tto/health/child-health/article4039889.ece
Christodoulou, J. A., & Gaab, N. (2009). Using and misusing neuroscience in education-related research. Cortex, 45, 555-557.
D'aurora, D. L., & Fimian, M. J. (1988). Dimensions of life and school stress experienced by young people, in Psychology in the Schools, 25(1), 44-53.
Dekker, S., Lee, N. C., Howard-Jones, P., & Jolles, J. (2012). Neuromyths in education: prevalence and predictors of misconceptions among teachers. Frontiers in Psychology, 3(429), 1-8.
della Chiesa, B., Christoph, V., & Hinton, C. (2009). How Many Brains does It Take to Build a New Light: Knowledge Management Challenges of a Transdisciplinary Project. Mind, Brain, and Education, 3(1), 17-26.
Emmeche, C., & Schilhab, T. S. S. (2007). Er en pedagogisk nevrovitenskap mulig? i T. S. S. Schilhab & B. Steffensen (red.) Nervepirrende pedagogikk – en introduksjon til pedagogisk nevrovitenskap. Oslo: Kommuneforlaget.
Fairclough, N. (2010). Critical discourse analysis: the critical study of language. London: Pearson.
Fairclough, N. (2003). Analysing discourse. Textual analysis for social research. London: Routledge.
Fawcett, A. J., & Nicolson, R. I. (2007). Dyslexia, learning, and pedagogical neuroscience. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 49(4), 306-311.
Fischer, K. W., Daniel, D. B., Immordino-Yang, M. H., Stern, E., Bratto, A., & Koizumi, H. (2007). Why Mind, Brain, and Education? Why Now? Mind, Brain, and Education, 1(1), 1-2.
Flobakk, F. R. (2015). The development and impact of educational neuroscience. A critical discourse analysis. Trondheim: Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
Fredrickson, N., & Cline, T. (2009). Special educational needs. Inclusion and diversity. New York: Open University Press.
Gazzaniga, M. S., Ivry, R. B., & Mangun, G. R. (2009). Cognitive Neuroscience. The biology of the mind (3rd edition). London: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
Geake, J., & Cooper, P. (2003). Cognitive Neuroscience: Implications for Education? Westminster Studies in Education, 26(1), 7-20.
Gelman, S. A., & Taylor, M. (2010). The fundamentals of brain development: integrating nature and nurture. Journal of Cognition and Development, 11(3), 393-396.
Goswami, U. (2006). Neuroscience and education: from research to practice? Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 7, 2-7.
Green, A. (2006). Education, Globalization, and the Nation-State. In H. Lauder, P. Brown, J. A. Dillabough, & A. H. Halsey (Eds.), Education, Globalization & Social Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Greenwood, R. (2009). Where are the educators? What is our role in the debate? Cortex, 45, 552-554.
Hart, C. (2001). Doing a literature search. A comprehensive guide for the social sciences. London: SAGE Publications.
Hook, C. J., & Farah, M. J. (2013). Neuroscience for educators: what are they seeking, and what are they finding? Neuroethics, 6, 331-341.
Howard-Jones, P. (2008). Philosophical challenges for researchers at the interface between neuroscience and education. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 42(3-4), 361-380.
Howard-Jones, P. (2010). Introducing neuroeducational research. Neuroscience, education and the brain from contexts to practice. London: Routledge.
Jesson, J. K., Matheson, L., & Lacey, F. M. (2011). Doing your literature review. Traditional and systematic techniques. London: SAGE Publications.
Jong, T. D., Gog, T. van, Jenks, K., et al. (2009). Explorations in learning and the brain. New York: Springer Science.
Kennair, L. E. O. (2008). Biofobi og biologisme. Om den ideologiske motstanden mot biologiske perspektiver innen moderne samfunnsvitenskap. Impuls. Tidsskrift for Psykologi, 1(62), 10-23.
Learning Rx (2014). Learning Rx – Train the brain. Get smarter, from Learning Rx's official webpage, downloaded 19 May 2014 from http://www.learningrx.com/
Logan, C. A., & Johnston, T. D. (2007). Synthesis and separation in the history of "nature" and "nurture". Developmental Psychobiology, 49(8), 758-769.
Maquet, P., Laureys, S., Peigneux, P., Fuchs, S., et al. (2000). Experience-dependent changes in cerebral activation during human REM sleep. Nature Neuroscience, 3(8), 831-836.
OECD (2007). Understanding the brain: The birth of a learning science. Paris: OECD.
Pasquinelli, E. (2011). Knowledge- and Evidence-Based Education: Reasons, Trends, and Contents. Mind, Brain, and Education, 5(4), 186-195.
Patten, K. E. (2011). The somatic appraisal model of affect: Paradigm for educational neuroscience and neuropedagogy. Educational Philosophy and Theory; Special issue: Educational Neuroscience, 43(1) 89-97.
Petitto, L. A., & Dunbar, K. N. (2004). New Findings from Educational Neuroscience on Bilingual Brains, Scientific Brains, and the Educated Mind. Conference on Building Usable Knowledge in Mind, Brain, & Education. Harvard School of Education, 1-20.
Piaget, J. (1964). Development and Learning, Part I: Cognitive Development in Children. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 2, 176-186.
Rizvi, F., & Lingard, B. (2006). Globalization and the changing nature of the OECD's educational work. In H. Lauder, P. Brown, J. A. Dillabough, & A. H. Halsey (Eds.), Education, Globalization & Social Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Samuels, B. M. (2009). Can the difference between education and neuroscience be overcome by mind, brain, and education? Mind, Brain, and Education, 3(1), 45-55.
Sapolsky, R. M. (1992). Stress, the aging brain, and the mechanisms of neuron death. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
SCNi (2016). Teensleep. Official webpage for Sleep Circadian Neuroscience Institute. Retrieved 12.04.16, from http://www.ndcn.ox.ac.uk/research/sleep-circadian-neuroscience-institute/research-projects-4/teensleep
Simmonds, A. (2014). How neuroscience is affecting education: Report of teacher and parent surveys. London: Wellcome Trust.
Stein, Z., Connell, M. & Gardner, H. (2009). Exercising quality control in interdisciplinary education: Toward an epistemologically responsible approach. In R. Cigman & A. Davis (Eds.), New philosophies of learning. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Stein, Z. & Fischer, K. W. (2011). Directions for mind, brain, and education: Methods, models, and morality. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 43(1), 56-66.
TLRP (2007). Neuroscience and education: Issues and opportunities. P. Howard-Jones (Ed.), A Commentary by the Teaching and Learning Research Programme. London: TLRP.
US Department of Health & Human Services (2014). Office of Head Start, official webpage. Retrieved 16.09.14, from http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/ohs
Wagner, U., Gais, S., Haider, H., Verleger, R., & Born, J. (2004). Sleep inspires insight. Nature, 427(6792), 352-355.
Varma, S., McCandliss, B. D., & Schwartz, D. L. (2008). Scientific and Pragmatic Challenges for Bridging Education and Neuroscience. Educational Researcher, 37(3), 140-152.
Vygotsky, L.S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Weisberg, D. S., Keil, F. C., Goodstein, J., Rawson, E., & Gray, J. R. (2008). The Seductive Allure of Neuroscience Explanations. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20(3), 470-477.
Wighton, K. (2007). How to boost the brain. The Times. http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/life/families/ article1852553.ece