(CZ) Su buduci učitelia přírodovědných predmetov tvořiví?
(EN) Are Future Teachers of Natural Science Subjects Creative?
Autor / Author: Haláková, Z., Kubiatko, M.
Klíčová slova / Key words: tvořivost‘, učitel, dotazník tvořivosti
Pri přípravě budúckh učitelbv je potřebné podporovat‘ich nielen vo vedomostnom, ale aj v osobnostnom raste, jednou z charakteristických črt každého jedinca je tvořivost‘, ktorou disponujeme všetci, hoci nie v rovnakej miere. Můžeme ju však diagnostikovat‘ a do poměrné širokých rozmerov rozvtjať. Príspevok sa zaoberá tým, či sú budúci učitelia přírodovědných predmetov tvořivípodía použitého měrného prostriedku, připadne, aké odporúčania by mali prijať, aby v danej oblasti napredovali.
Every teacher has a certain level of creativity and ought to have the chance and preconditions for its further formation and development. There have been many at-tempts to identify the characteristics that a creative teacher should possess. Comparison has also been made between the creative and the non-creative or not particularly creative teacher (Zelina; Zelinová 1990). It is very hard to assess, given that the work of teachers and their preparation for lessons are influenced by many factors. We might mention, for example, the need to master the prescribed teaching material, obligation to follow the syllabus, teaching plans, the fulfilment of demands placed on the knowledge and dexterity of pupils, the „constellation“ of pupils in a class, the home time devoted to preparation by the teacher... Here we were interested in looking from this perspective at the theme of the creativity of future teachers of natural science subjects. We came to the conclusion that this was an area that needed to be further developed in these students and that it should not be underestimated or neglected in any aspect of their development of professional profile.
This is because one condition for the development of the creativity of the pupil is that he or she should be guided to it, whether deliberately or spontaneously. In every pupil a desire exists, and is maturing, for discovery of new things, for development, curiosity, and it is the creative teacher who is the best equipped to fulfil and stimulate this desire.
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