(CZ) Reflexie študentov učitelstva z pohladu kvalitatívneho výskumu
(EN) Self-Reflection in Teacher Trainign Students from the Point of View of Qualitative Research
Autor / Author: Kasáčová, B.
Klíčová slova / Key words: kvalitativny výskům, pedeutologický výskům, fenomenograjická analýza textu, analýza tematickej kresby, výskům študentov učitelstva
V štúdii sú prezentované výsledky výskumu, ktorý sa týkal reflexii študentov učitelstva a analýzy ich produktov. Metodologickým postupom bola procedura konstantnej komparácie a výskumnými technikami tematická kresba a dve verbálne techniky, jedna retrospektivna a jedna projektivna. Výskům sa realizoval v 2002-2003 roku na základe výběru zo vzorky 72 študentov. Boli vybraté dve extrémne 4-členné skupiny, ktorých práce sú tu prezentované.
The study presents the research findings of a survey designed to investigate students‘ reflexive experience and views of themselves. In the introduction the author provides information on the wider research context and well-known source material to be found in relevant domestic and foreign literature. In the next section she describes the methodological starting points, research procedure of constant comparison, and the methods and techniques applied in the qualitative research into students‘ reflexive experience. The following methods were used in line with maintaining the principle of triangulation: analysis of drawings, andphenomenographic analysis of two verbal exploratory techniques, i.e. a „Memory Mirror“ constructed by students themselves and recording the genesis of the choice of teacher training studies and an inventory of unfinished sentences also constructed by the students themselves. The goal of the research survey was to identify differences in the self-expression of students and in the case of extreme groups as defined by the primacy/secondary character choice of teacher training studies to specify typical differences in the structure of testimony between the two extreme groups. The procedure was as follows: identification of a common feature in the data, synthesis and identification of typical phenomena, identification of typical testimonies, identification of common features and regularities in the given groups defined as extreme cases. Compilation of descriptive quantification. The generation of conclusions and theories using the analytic-synthetic approach. The conclusions in four categories (form of drawing, content of drawing, reflexive phenomena and sentence completion) present findings confirming the hypothesis that choice of studies from the point of view of primacy or secondary character of the choice isexpressed in the form and content of reflexive self-expression and is an important factor in the process of becoming a teacher. The techniques of reflection used were a research instrument in the procedure of constant comparison. Reflection as an educational instrument in the training of student teachers-an instrument through which they get to know themselves, can also be an instrument of educational research based on a qualitative methodology with the potential for a certain generalisation of research findings The results have a certain limited applicability as is typical with qualitative research. Research into students‘ reflexive thinking about themselves has brought findings that are useful for teacher training orientated to the development of the personality of the student - reflexive practice. Reflexive techniques and the products of student self-reflection could also be used in pedagogic diagnosis, and so become useful in guiding the student in the process of becoming a teacher and represent a pedagogic and diagnostic tool for the university teacher.
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