(CZ) Současné pohledy na procesy vnitřní evaluace škol v českém prostředí
(EN) Contemporary Views of the Process of the Internal Evaluation of Schools in the Czech Environment
Autor / Author: Prášilová, M.; Vašťatková, J.
Klíčová slova / Key words: vnitřní (interní) a vnější (externí) evaluace, autoevaluace, vlastni hodnoceni školy, kvalita práce školy, škola, vedoucí pracovník, dokumenty, legislativa, změna, čas.
Příspěvek je věnován aktuální problematice vnitřní evaluace práce české školy. Je na ni nahlíženo ze tři hledisek, dvě z nich jsou hlediska deklarovaná (dokumenty a odborná literatura) a třetím je úroveň škol. Teoretické pojednáni je doplněno o výsledky empirických šetřeni ve školní praxi.
This article is devoted to the theme of the internal evaluation of the work of the Czech school today. Its authors start from the premise that this is a relatively new phenomenon that is only now seeking a more permanent form. The existing situation (i.e. up to February 2006) in the field is analysed from three basic points of view. The first two concern declared principles and methods, and focus on documents, legislative norms and so on including an overview of treatment of the theme in specialist literature. The third point of view concerns realisation, and using the results of empirical studies offers an insight into the real situation in regard to these processes in schools. Analysis of documents and theoretical materials confirms that the social demand for the introduction of internal evaluation into the system of school management is appropriate and that the mutual synergistic operation of internal and external evaluation is well-grounded. At the same time, however, it shows that the concept of internal evaluation has not yet taken root in the Czech system. The conclusions of empirical surveys draw attention to the need for support (not only in methodological and consultative, but moral), which ought to be provided to schools as soon as possible. The common denominator of all three perspectives is time. A time disparity is evident both between what it is possible to do in schools in the given circumstances and what schools have to do because the law requires it, and in the deadlines set for support measures to be taken. Time is also necessary, however, for change in the expectations and attitudes of society as regards the quality of the work of Czech schools. The article‘s authors believe that while the time factor is under-estimated we can expect excessively diverse (and sometimes merely formal) fulfilment of the demand for internal evaluation without an appreciation oll ts real significance for improving the quality of the work of the school.
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