(CZ) Jak učitelé využívají a hodnotí učebnice dějepisu Vyhodnocení průzkumu PC Plzeň provedeného v západních Čechách
(EN) How do teachers make use of and how do they assess history textbooks?
Autor / Author: Hudecová, D.
Klíčová slova / Key words: učebnice dějepisu, dotazník, využívání, hodnoceni, kvalita
Článek obsahuje vyhodnoceni průzkumu, který mezi učiteli dějepisu v západních Čechách uskutečnilo Pedagogické centrum v Plzni.
In spring 2000, the Teacher Education Centre in Plzeň put in practice an inquiry among history teachers to find out which textbooks were used in teaching history. An attempt was also made to answer questions like: “Why do history teachers use certain textbooks?” or “How do they assess these textbooks?”. The inquiry has taken place using the questionnaire method. 224 questionnaires have been filled in. The teachers evaluated 516 volumes of textbooks, mainly for elementary schools. An analysis was performed and the followaing conclusions can be made: 1. Teachers do not make use of the entire scope of history textbooks on the Czech market. Yet, a significant change in the future is to be expected. 2. The present textbooks are used because of the lack of other books in our schools. Teachers do not make serious objections to them. Besides, schools do not - so far - have enough funds to buy other textbooks. 3. The quality of the older history textbook series published by “Práce” Publishers is considered as better of the average, the first two volumes of the series as considerably better than the average. Because of a considerably smaller number of responding teachers evaluating other two textbook series, the evaluation of these must only be considered as a mild indication. From this point of view, it seems that the new series of “Práce” Publishers will be more convenient. Yet, the quality of history textbooks is in no way considered alarming. Teachers from secondary/high schools only took part in the enquiry exceptionally, therefore conclusions made only relate to the situation in elementary schools.
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