(CZ) Co je to "otevřené vyučování"
(EN) What the "open teaching is"
Autor / Author: Váňová, R., Poláčková, V, Vališová, A., Skalková, J.
Klíčová slova / Key words: otevřené vyučování, otevřená škola, reformní pedagogika, vztah učitele a žáků, inovační podněty
Stať vysvětluje termín otevřené vyučování a objasňuje jeho vztah k tradicím reformní pedagogiky. Analyzuje teoretická východiska otevřeného vyučování. Rozebírá jeho základní charakteristické znaky a formy jeho praktické realizace.
The aim of the article is to contribute to the information about the innovation initiatives in the education abroad whose destination is the humanization of the contemporary school and its instruction. Analysis of the
movement of the open teaching is presented here. The article enlightens Its relation to the tradition of the reform education. It its relation to the tradition of the reform education. It gives a characteristication of its theoretical starting points, concerning the knowledge of psychology and the psychology of teaching and learning. It points at sociological researches, revealing the changing of social structures in which the children and the young live at the time present. The need of a new style of instruction is being derived from here, in the teacher-pupil relation above all. An analysis of elementary principles of forms and carrying out the open teaching are presented here.
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