(CZ) Kompetence učitele v reflektování výuky
(EN) Competence of a teacher in the reflexion of the instruction
Autor / Author: Slavík, J., Siňor, S.
Klíčová slova / Key words: učitel, kompetence, reflexe, výuka, interakční analýza, posuzovací škály, videozáznam, počítač
Článek pouzkazuje na problém pedagogické zodpovědnosti, která je výchozí podmínkou profesní kompetence učitele. Nezbytnou součástí kompetence je připravenost učitele k reflektování výuky. Text popisuje komunikativně orientované a počítačem podporované prostředky k posilování reflexivní kompetence učitele.
The article deals with the support of the reflexive competence of the teachers with the help of the video-recording of the instruction and the computor appreciation system. The need of the teachers' reflexive competence results from the claims to the educational responsibility in a pluralistic society.
The author comprise the educational responsibility as a capability of a teacher to estimate him- or herself and entrust oneself to the evaluation of the surrounding society. Here it is necessary to bring out the criteria of the educational behaviour estimation and name them. the reflexion is the condition of the teachers-pupils-parents dialogues.
In the text the reflexive competence is understood as one of the compounds of the professional competence of the teacher and is derived from the parameters of the teachers' role in its professional psycho-social and moral dimension. The reflexive competence is defined as (1) motivation to the self-reflexion, (2) the skill of delimitating the criteria (indicators) of the educational behaviour quality, of discribing and arranging the criteria, and with their help to evaluate the course of concrete psycho-didactic interactions in broader countexts.
In the article the education to the reflexion is supposed to be an important aspect of the preparation of the teachers which puts the educational theory and practice effectively together. The starting point of the education to the reflexion is the reflexive communication over the video-recordings of the teaching, the sense of the reflexive communication being above all the achieving of getting a view of the means of the reflexion and the skill to use them.
To support the reflexive communication it is suggested to exploit the appreciation systems. The authors give a description of the work with their own original appreciation system of the inter-active psycho-didactic analysis DITA-CS applied in the computer network NOVELL. The computor analysis of the results of the evaluation brings new qualities in the developing of the reflexive competence of the teachers.
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