(CZ) Řízení škol jako faktor plurality a efektivnosti vzdělávání a výchovy
(EN) School administration as a factor plurality and effectivity as well as education
Autor / Author: Bacík, F.
Klíčová slova / Key words: řízení škol, vnitřní řízení školy, decentralizace řízení a autonomie školy, pluralita, humanizace a efektivnost vzdělávání a výchovy
Důležitým faktorem plurality a efektivnosti vzdělávání a výchovy může být takový systém řízení škol, který umožňuje jejich ekonomickou, právní subjektivitu, pedagogickou i politickou autonomii a specifický způsob a styl jejich vnitřního řízení, odpovídající potřebám a podmínkám skol a možnostem jejich řídících subjektů. Ve stati jsou shrnuty závěry z rozborů našich i zahranicnich zkušeností v uvedeném směru a naznačeny způsoby řešení a problémy, které jsou s nimi spjaty.
In the introduction of the article a question is being asked: how, in the connection with the schools system transformation, to understand and realize the principle of the plurality of education. This principle is above all interprette as a chance for a competition of different educational conceptions, programmes and ways of their carrying outat the State, private and Church schools. At the same time a special attention is paid to the need to overcome the predominant trend to uniformity of education at the State schools, and a broad scale of possibilities when choosing the educational programme of the school and the conception of its administration is pointed at.
The major part of the study deals with new trendsin the organization and managing of schools abroad with the respect to the decentralization of administration, supporting the schools autonomy and participation of the education subjects in the co- -determining of the waters of the school. Those trends are being put in the context with the new concept of the task and concept of the school as “the servicc to the customers“, especially learners and their parents. In this connection the author informs about the extensive experiments with the autonomy of schoolsin the U.S.A. (SBM schools) and about experiments to apply some pieces of knowledge from the enterprise management on the school administration.
In the conclusion of the essey, certain recommendations are, on the base of the experiment from the years 1991 — 1992, formulated, and a suggestion of a model of a school, its administration and the main factors of its desirable changes in the frame of the school transformation are introduced.
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