(CZ) K současným diskusím o školství ve Spojených státech amerických
(EN) To the contemporary discussions on the school system in the United States of America
Autor / Author: Rabušicová, M.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The article deals with some aspects of the contemporary discussion on the school system in the United States of America. Lately considerable attention has been paid to the questions of education in this country. It is caused by many circumstances the most important of which being, as it may be supposed, the up-to-date unsatisfying situation in the State base and secondary schools and, further on, the increasing demands on qualified labour of the country what has to cope with the increasing competetion inthe world’s economic market.
A significant step in the frame of the long-term process of the new orientation of the American educational system is the designating of six elementary goals in the area of education which should be achieved by the American society by the end of this millenium, their reality is being called in question, nevertheless there is an expressive aim in the country to look for reads leading to their covering. Possibilities an ways how to finance basic and secondary schools, the University students’ financial support and the extending of possibilities of in-service education of adults are being discussed. Especially the questions of a free selection of the basic and secondary schools for each child, of determining the educational standards, and especially of the amount of money invested into the schools, as well as its rational exploiting for a prominent improvement of the students’ results, are of the principal significance, and all those problems are being paid attention in the article.
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